
Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Saw my neurologist today, as suspected the appointment lasted less than 15 minutes basically consisting of a review of the medications I am taking, sometimes I get the feeling they let you recite the name of the medication the dosage and frequency not only to ensure your taking them correctly yet it's a great cognitive test don't you think?
Spoke to him regarding the falls I took in the bathroom the x-rays my family doctor sent me for and the Doppler examination of my left leg which turned up nothing as I suspected except for some bruising, everything else was fine.
We discussed the disease progression how I felt it was pretty stable yet my spouse had commented on my progression she can see the difference probably because I didn't want to see it, don't want to see cause it ain't happening.

We talked about the Van and how I enjoyed it, the flu vaccine which he deems imperative this year and finally our trip to Vegas in September. Oh he gave me a prescription for a belt to hold my legs together when I sit then we said goodbye and rescheduled for January.

After that I figured I deserved a late breakfast had a Western omelette in the restaurant at the mall then I came home. The weather today is absolutely beautiful I hope it holds out for the weekend.

Have a great one and take good care

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