Every so often someone will inquire about the scale used by neurologists to determine our level of disability. The scale is archaic to say the least yet it's the only tool utilized, it really needs updating but here it is as it stands today.
Multiple Sclerosis Kurtzke disability status scale
Patient name: Date:
1 No disability & minimal neurologic sign
2 Minimal disability - slight weakness or stiffness, mild disturbance of gait or mild visual disturbance;
3 Moderate disability - monoparesis (partial or incomplete paralysis affecting one or part of one
extremity) mild hemiparesis (slight paralysis affecting one side of body) moderate ataxia, disturbing
sensory loss, prominent urinary or eye symptom, or a combination of lesser dysfunction;
4 Relatively severe disability, but fully ambulatory without aid, self sufficient and able to be up and about
12 hours a day, does not prevent the ability to work or carry on normal living activities, excluding sexual
5 Disability is severe enough to preclude working, maximal motor function involves walking unaided up to
500 meters;
6 Needs assistance walking, for example a cane, crutches, or braces;
7 Essentially restricted to a wheelchair but able to wheel oneself and enter and leave the chair without
8 Essentially restricted to bed or a chair, retains many self care functions and has effective use of arms;
9 Helpless and bedridden;
10 Death due to MS - results from respiratory paralysis, coma of uncertain origin, or following repeated or prolonged epileptic seizures;